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To Hire or Outsource: The AI Dilemma for Small and Medium Enterprises

Written by Philippe Marcotte | Aug 18, 2023 5:00:00 PM


In the rapidly evolving landscape of business technology, the decision of whether to hire in-house talent or outsource can be daunting. The best answer to this is not uniform; it hinges on how your company responds to several key questions laid out in this post. Each enterprise is unique, and thus, each answer will be too.

How core will AI and automation be to your business in the future?

The influence of AI in the contemporary business world cannot be overemphasized. Deciding on its centrality to your operations is pivotal. If AI is poised to be an intrinsic part of your customer experience or offering, you might want to consider an in-house approach or at least a robust partnership with an automation-as-a-service firm. On the contrary, if AI will be employed for back-end processes to grant your company a competitive edge, then outsourcing could be the cost-effective and viable route.

What is your starting point?

Digital familiarity can greatly influence the ease of integrating AI. A digital-native company, such as those in the SaaS sector, often has a smoother transition towards an in-house AI team, thanks to an existing tech infrastructure. However, non-digital native enterprises usually face a steeper learning curve. In these cases, it isn't just about developing capacity but having the requisite leadership expertise to chart the AI & Automation course.

How much are you willing to invest?

Building an in-house AI team is more than just hiring a couple of experts. The cross-disciplinary nature of AI requires talents in data science, machine learning, software development, and more. The annual investment for a modest team can run from half a million to a million dollars at least. This price tag might be discouraging for SMEs, making outsourcing a more attractive option.

How much risk can you tolerate?

Risk is intrinsic to business, and the AI & Automation integration journey is no exception. If you opt for an in-house solution, the challenges—whether they're technical mishaps, cybersecurity threats, or developmental failures—rest squarely on your shoulders. However, while outsourcing might alleviate some responsibilities, it introduces dependency. Should the partnership sour or the service provider falters, it might imperil your operations. Therefore, it's vital to weigh the pros and cons meticulously and have contingency plans in place.

Are you looking to integrate what already exists or need brand new tools?

The market is brimming with ready-to-use AI tools and platforms. Through SDKs and APIs, even smaller businesses can harness the power of AI with relatively low investment. But, if you're aiming for groundbreaking innovation, it may demand specific expertise best managed in-house. Not to forget, having an exclusive solution allows you to retain intellectual property rights and maintain a unique edge over competitors.

Do partners exist in your field?

Industry-specific demands can either facilitate or impede the outsourcing decision. To illustrate, in the healthcare sector, stringent regulations often dictate data hosting. For Canadian SMEs, this can be particularly challenging when most service providers are U.S.-based. This is where Red Fox Solutions steps in, offering secure hosting of medical data right here in Canada. It's crucial to analyze available partners in your industry before settling on a direction.


The quandary of whether to go in-house or outsource your AI needs is intricate. At Red Fox Solutions, we're equipped to guide you in this evaluation, offering expert advice on whether you need an in-house team or if an outsourcing partner is right for you. Reach out today and let us discuss what makes sense for your company.