Red Fox Blog

AI and Automation: It's a Journey, Not a Destination

Written by Philippe Marcotte | Sep 1, 2023 5:00:00 PM

In today's rapidly changing business landscape, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) often view AI and automation as a silver bullet—a one-time solution they can simply deploy in their operations, treating it like a task you can check off. This viewpoint, however, misunderstands the nature of AI and automation. Instead of being a static tool, these technologies need consistent nurturing, evolution, and adaptation to the shifting contexts of the modern world.

Technology is alive

While technology might seem like a rigid structure, in reality, it's much more akin to a living organism. No technological solution, especially something as dynamic as AI, remains stagnant. Even if no new features are added, technology will begin to show signs of wear and tear as other systems it interacts with evolve. This is especially true in the face of changing user interfaces or APIs. To keep technology like AI relevant and efficient, there's a continuous need for adaptation and enhancement.

Workflows change, models need to be retrained

At the heart of any business are its workflows—the processes that dictate how operations are conducted. As businesses evolve, so do these workflows. And with these changes, automation solutions previously deployed may no longer be optimal. Similarly, AI models that once provided perfect solutions might start faltering as data and variables change over time. Periodic retraining and recalibration are necessary to ensure the continued accuracy and efficacy of AI models.

What was groundbreaking yesterday will be table stakes tomorrow

In the realm of technology, the only constant is change. Solutions that were groundbreaking and innovative yesterday become industry standards today. For companies to maintain their competitive edge, they cannot simply rely on yesterday's innovations. Instead, they must actively seek and adopt new developments, features, and capabilities. Resting on laurels isn’t an option; the competition is relentless, and only those who evolve will thrive.

Innovation is an ongoing process

True innovation isn’t about a eureka moment—it's a continuous process. It's about fostering a culture that encourages out-of-the-box thinking and welcomes fresh perspectives. For AI and automation to remain potent tools, they must be enveloped in a culture of relentless curiosity and innovation. This ensures the company remains at the forefront of its industry.

It is the people who will keep the technology relevant

While machines and algorithms have revolutionized our world, it's humans who breathe life into them. Without the human touch—whether it's in terms of innovation, maintenance, or contextual understanding—these technologies would lose relevance. Organizations either need a dedicated in-house team to keep their technological solutions sharp, or a reliable partner that specializes in these services.


Navigating the complexities of AI and automation can be challenging, especially without the right expertise on board. Red Fox Solutions is here to bridge that gap. Offering Automation-as-a-Service and AI-as-a-Service, we ensure that your technology remains relevant, efficient, and tailored to your evolving needs. Whether you're looking to innovate or adapt, get in touch with us. Let’s embark on this journey of continuous evolution together.